Wednesday 11 June 2008

Pop-up book?

Darlene's challenge this week in the Crafty Secrets member forum at Splitcoaststampers is a great one! She's asked us to "check our calendars" and make a card for any occasion that's printed on there (so not all those birthdays and anniversaries etc you write in for yourself). As soon as I spied International Literacy Day on September 8th I knew I'd found my calendar occasion!

I love to read. I've always loved to read. I don't even remember learning to read and I was pretty fluent by the time I started school so it obviously didn't present too many difficulties for mini me! This little bookish chap is obviously having a fine old time in his imaginary world and I thought he'd be perfect on a surprise pop up card which was yesterday's technique challenge at Splitcoast (there's a tutorial here if you'd like to make a card in this style yourself).

I used a cheesecloth background stamp to make my card base a bit leathery looking like an old book binding and sponged the edges too for a more aged and handled appearance and added a border of machine stitching, again because it made me think of old style book binding techniques.

I made a little tassel at the top of the slider as I thought it looked a bit like a bookmark! I stamped the panel that's revealed when you pull on the slider with a handwriting style stamp in Antique Linen ink so that I can add a message without it being swamped by a strong pattern but there's still some interest there.

I thought I could turn this into a gift by tucking a book token in there so it slides out at the same time as the message is revealed (not sure if my American visitors have book tokens - in the UK we have a national scheme which means you can buy a token in almost any book shop and send it as a gift that can be spent in almost any other book shop).

Supplies: Story of Me and Journaling (Clear Art Stamps by Crafty Secrets), Cheesecloth backgrounder (CHF), Tim Holtz Distress ink (Fired Brick and Antique Linen), Versafine Vintage Sepia, Prismacolor pencils/OMS/stump, sewing machine and thread, Brass and Cream Hardware stickers (Heartwarming Vintage/Crafty Secrets), Nestability Classic Circle (used as a guide with a scalpel), copper gel pen, old gold cord from stash, corner rounder.

Thanks for your visit today, hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Hi Joanne. This is a lovely little card and so well thought out too. As you say it would be ideal for a book token. Have taken a look at the instructions and will try one later X

  2. What an interesting challenge - love what you've done for this.

  3. what a lovely card joanne:) thanks for the links too,off to have a look :)

  4. This is so lovely Joanne. I love that deep red colour and the whole idea of the card. That little chap is so cute!

  5. Lovely stamp, and great card

  6. Oh Joanne you have been clever working all that out. It's come together really well and is a lovely idea. I love the stamp and the colours you've used.
    Sue x

  7. WOW and WOW its stunning and what a lovely idea, you are very talented x

  8. Gorgeous card Joanne. What a lovely idea for a card and book token. There's a big grown up boy in my house would love it! I'll need to go and check out that tutorial.

  9. Wow...this is amazing! So much wonderful, vintage detail and of course I always love what you can do with this little "book worm". The idea for the inside is fantastic, with giving it a little texture but can still write a message if wanted. No, I don't think we have "book tokens" here in the states. I will have to ask my "other" book worm friend. Thanks for sharing that little dittie and thanks for sharing this fabulous card!

  10. Oh my goodness. This is just too cute! I LOVE all of your book details...the old feel, the sewing, the tassel. And I love that it's a pop-up, which is a kind of book! DARLING!

  11. WOW!! This is incredible. The pop up is so cool. Love this wonderful card!

  12. Fantastic!! The image is adorable. Good idea re the book token :o)

  13. brilliant card - love the way it pops up xx

  14. love this Jo, it is very cute and I love the way it pops up. Must have a look at the tutorial

  15. Great card, love the image xxx

  16. Stunning! All the details are amazing! I love the cheesecloth for texture and the stitching to hold the piece together.

    Absolutely lovely!

  17. Absolutely beautiful Joanne! :o)

  18. This is just fantastic!

    thank you for the bigcrumbs link :)

    love the quote and card below - you are so very talented

    jo xx

  19. Hi Joanne

    I hadn't stopped by in a while and I've really enjoyed catching up on all your wonderful creations! Great job on the Crafty Secrets mission - fantastic designs.

  20. What a wonderful image....and I like the pop up card. Joan

  21. This is a lovely card Joanne; keep you fingers crossed the one I try to make will work out!

    I am so pleased to have discovered, and been able to register for updates of, your great pages.

    North Somerset, UK

  22. What a fab project Joanne. I love all the attention to tiny detail that you've done on it. It must have taken ages.

  23. Wow...this is fantastic - well done xx

  24. Wow! Very clever and cute.


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