Thursday 5 June 2008

Is it time for tea yet?

Now I work freelance from home, one thing I don't miss about an office load of workmates is the endless round of making cups of tea and washing up afterwards! It would be nice to have the social aspect of the tea ritual without the actual making and clearing up wouldn't it?!

The Crafty Secrets member forum challenge at Splitcoaststampers this week has a new host - Darlene is challenging us throughout June and her first challenge theme is: dots.

I hope she'll forgive a fairly liberal interpretation of the theme!

I started thinking about dots and thought it would be fun to have one big dot as the base for the project so I reached for one of the freebie CDs that are stacked up beside my craft table as they're bound to be useful someday! I made clocks as Christmas gifts a couple of years ago and still had a couple of movements left so I decided on a CD clock and added more dots to mark out the hours around the edge.

Working days are often divided up by meetings and (sometimes hasty) cups of tea so I thought it would be fun to have a clock to reflect those "Is it time for tea yet?" moments with the kind of lined paper you might be jotting notes on in a meeting (it's from the Earthy Paper pad). It has dotted lines as well as solid ones - think Darlene will let me count those towards my quota of dots?

Supplies: Kitchen Classics, Tea and Coffee and Story of Me (Clear Art Stamps by Crafty Secrets), Earthy Paper Pad (Crafty Secrets), Tim Holtz Distress Ink (Antique Linen, Tea Dye, Walnut Stain), Prismacolor pencils/OMS/stump, office hole punch, eyelet punch, CD, clock movement

Right, time for tea I reckon - thanks for stopping by!


  1. Definitely dotty in my opinion. I love your little man carrying the tea.
    Sue x

  2. A perfect amount of dots Joanne!!! Great clock! I have loads of those cd's too but haven't got round to getting the movements yet. X

  3. What a lovely clock. Just had my tea or rather coffee before I popped onto the forum to see what was happening.

  4. ohhhh this is just fab, I love it!

  5. Not only have I forgiven you, but I am in AWE of your constantly changing talents!!!!! This is just too adorable and now I am inspired to give it a try!!! I can hardly wait until next Tuesday to see what you come up with for the next challenge! Thanks so much for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to play!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!

  6. oh i love it - all those cds i have thrown out - i need them now xx

  7. Fantastic! I have always wanted to make a CD clock I love those stamps - just perfect xx

  8. thats a great little clock and love the tea idea lots x

  9. I love this Joanne, I hope you're going to put it up somewhere.

    I have a pile of cd's like yours too.

  10. this is great, love the wee man

  11. Excellent clock Joanne, what a brill use of an old cd :)

  12. Lovely clock, and a great use of a CD!

  13. WOW - fantastic. :)


  14. Truly amazing, Joanne! You've inspired me to find clock parts for one in my room... I can only hope to make something as half as darling!

    And I couldn't agree with you more... the clean up is the worst!



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