Monday 5 May 2008

Double time masking

Two more CHF background challenges today - double time and masking.

The double time challenge asked us to use two or more background stamps in our designs. A friend had asked me to make a birthday card for her dad who is keen on vintage trains so I combined paisley (reminiscent of smoke from the funnel?) and broad stripe to evoke the tracks and made this...

Supplies: Paisley and Broad stripe backgrounders (both Cornish Heritage Farms), vintage train (unknown), ticket from Journey set (Crafty Secrets), sentiment from HOTP set. Brilliance Graphite Black, Tim Holtz Distress ink Antique Linen, Tea dye, Vintage Photo, Walnut Stain, watercolour pencil, scoring board, small circle punch (for ticket corners on main panel).

Broad stripe made another appearance for the masking challenge to pretty up a box to hold some notelets I made for my mum's birthday. The box originally held Belgian chocolates - a gift from one of DH's business trips to Europe but obviously I had to consume those rather quickly as the box was the perfect size for the notelets I'd made! I stamped the Daisy Jar on a piece of cardstock cut to fit the lid and then masked it to stamp the background.

Supplies: Daisy Jar and Broad stripe backgrounder (both Cornish Heritage Farms), Adirondack Cool Peri, Ranger Archival Jet Black, Clearnsap Chalk ink wisteria, Prismacolor pencils/OMS/stump, satin ribbon, empty chocolate box!

Both of these projects take advantage of the fact that with just a little fancy footwork, you can extend Broad stripe sideways and still have it looking perfect if your project is wider than the stamp - love it!

Thanks for your visit today, I hope you enjoyed it!


  1. I love, love, love your train card Joanne!!! Where did you get your train stamp from???

  2. Joanne your cards always look so professional. They are lovely. :)

  3. WOW - absolutely stunning!!!!! :)


  4. Very clever the way you've cut the corners on your background to match the tickets. Love that train too.
    That box just looks so clean and fresh,lovely colours.
    Sue x

  5. these are just Stunning and I know someone else who would love that train x

  6. What a great card and a lovely box. Well done. :-) xxx

  7. These are beautiful. I especially love the train.

  8. These are brilliant, love the train, what an excellent card for a guy :)

  9. The train card is superb! And you know that I love your cards with daisies - great masking results

  10. Both of these creations are wonderful but that train card is Wowzers!!! I love it. Joan

  11. You've done it again! Lovely lovely card and that stamp is such a star, the box is really great. I have my card with the daisies on my computer desk for inspiration atm.

  12. They are lovely, I do love the card!!

  13. brilliant both of them but i do love the card xx


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