Saturday 10 May 2008

Cherry Sweet

OK, I'll admit to the fact that I usually prefer red rubber stamps. I'm coming round to the joys of high-quality photopolymer though and among the benefits (exact placement being the obvious one) there's one sneaky little advantage I love:

All together now... "Bend me, shape me, anyway you want me..."

You just can't do it with traditional rubber - if it comes straight, you use it straight, end of story. Here's a little something that I think turned out cute (click on the pic for a better view if you want it):

A jar of something homemade is always a nice gift but it’s even nicer if you dress it up a little. See what I did here? I took the cherry scalloped border from the Kitchen Classics set and curved it onto a large block then stamped three times to make a complete circle and trimmed round the scallops. I chose mulberry paper as it’s soft enough to ‘drape’ a little over the lid and make a pretty frill.

A stamped label looks sweet and using a sticky mailing label means it's a quick and easy fit on the jar.

A linguistic note: As I’m British it’s ‘jam’ to me, for my visitors from North America ‘jelly’ would fit on the label just as well :o)

Supplies: Kitchen Classics and Adore alphabet (Crafty Secrets Clear Art Stamps), Brilliance Graphite Black ink, Prismacolor pencils/OMS/stump, gingham ribbon (Bazzill), sticky mailing label, white mulberry paper

Thanks for stopping by, hope your day proves to be a bowl of cherries :o)


  1. How pretty. I thought the frilly caver was a ready printed bought one and you've just done the label 'til I read it all. Aren't you clever.
    Sue x

  2. What a BRILLIANT idea!!! Why didn't I think of that. I really thought the cover was embroidered Joanne. It reminds me of when my Mum used to make jam for the WI yonks ago! Well done you XXX

  3. wow, that's SUCH a fab idea - it looks great Joanne - I thought it was fabric at first.

  4. Wow! that makes me wanna make Jam!

  5. Hiya!

    I'm just now finding your blog and want to say CONGRATS for being the guest designer at Crafty this month! You are a wonderful paper artist and the recognition is much deserved!

    Lisa Z.

  6. i'm glad i visited - looks scrummy xx

  7. That looks fantastic Joanne!

  8. What a lovely gift, Joanne. So professionally done.

  9. looks great joanne :) i love homemade jams.

  10. ooh Joanne - cherry jam, looks great. Apricot is my favourite but cherry looks really yummy, especially with that little hat and label.

  11. Great idea & it looks yummy too!! xxx

  12. Very very clever Joanne. It looks fab.

  13. Who in the world is going to want to OPEN those preserves and wreck the beautiful packaging?! {LOL} I wouldn't... AWES-BOMB ideas you have, Joanne!



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