Saturday 2 February 2008

Prism Inspiration

Well, how dumb am I? I've been meaning to make something for the Prism inspiration challenge and only managed to get to it today. Did I check the deadline first? No I did not. When was the deadline? Yup, yesterday!

Never mind, thought I'd show you anyway. The challenge was to make something based around this inspiration piece

I love the curve you get when you plump a pillow down like that and it reminded me of a bag closure. The colours are kind of masculine though so I made this little gift card holder that looks a bit like a mini messenger bag. I thought you could put one of those cards loaded up with credit for iTunes in there so that awkward male teen in your life could choose his own downloads for his MP3!

The colours are a much closer match in real life but the light is rubbish for photos at the moment - it keeps trying to snow so it's rather dark!

Supplies: Bazzill and DCWV cardstock, Clearsnap chalk ink Burnt Sienna and Chestnut Roan (to colour the 'flap'), Dovecraft mini brads (muted colours), Sakura Souffle pen (white).

Thanks for looking!


  1. ha ha ha, that sounds like something I would do, Joanne! What a great boy card, very understated and cool. Love your idea for the gift, all the 'gift cards', you know the ones that look like credit cards, would fit in your bag too.


  2. LOVE it! OMGosh, Joanne... great minds thing alike! Sorry you missed the deadline... I posted mine prior to midnight EST (by the skin of my teeth), however it was still pending BLOGGER'S approval? As long as we have fun... that's all that truly matters! *wink*

    HUGS :)

  3. This is lovely Joanne! What a great idea, much better than the awful cards you get with those gift cards!

    What are you like missing the deadline though! I'd do something like that!



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