Tuesday 1 January 2008

Brain like a sieve

I have a friend with a birthday on Christmas day and usually I post both cards at the same time. This year, I totally forgot so I decided to make her a New Year hello card by way of a substitute.

She speaks lots of languages so I though the French sentiment was appropriate - I got it in a grab-bag of stamps from Alluring Impressions just before Christmas. The background stamp is one I won during Lisa Strahl's birthday celebrations at Cornish Heritage Farms.

Supplies: Single Black Eyed Susan and Broad Stripe Backgrounder (both Cornish Heritage Farms), sentiment by Alluring Impressions, Adirondak Cool Peri, Tsukineko Brilliance Pearlescent Crimson, Clearsnap Chalk Wisteria, Tria markers, white gel pen, paper piercer

Happy New Year to you all, I hope 2008 is kind to you. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. A beautiful card Joanne, I'm sure she will love it!

  2. What a lovely, dainty card. I'm sure your friend will love it, so don't worry about it being a little late. Your card shows femininity and lots of depth too. Lovely. XX

  3. Gorgeous card! I love the soft colors and the sentiment across the corner. SO pretty!

    I hope you have a wonderful New Years holiday! All the best to you in 2008, my friend!


  4. love the card - I like that stamp more and more every time I see it


  5. Lovely card Joanne. The broad stripe is so subtle and I do love that jam jar flower thingy.


  6. Great card Joanne!! Those stamps you got recently are fab.

  7. That is so lovely, and if I were your friend, I'd forgive you for forgetting!

    Happy New Year Joanne xxx

  8. Lovely card Joanne - Happy New Year to you too......

  9. Your card is beautiful. I am sure that your friend will love it.

    Happy New Year to you.


  10. Hello. Just found your blog while searching for cuttlebug ideas. I just startyed my blog last month, just got my cuttlebug for xmas. I love your ideas and artwork! I'm adding you to my list.

  11. this is so pretty, love the softness of it. Once she sees it she won't mind that it is late.

  12. So pretty. I like the background with the flowers.

  13. Beautiful card ,i bet your friend loved it ,Dawnx

  14. I'm loving this card...bet your friend did too! Like the flowers off to the side like you have them!

  15. love those daisies in the jam jar!

  16. What a beautiful card! Colours are pretty and the flowers look just amazing.


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