Saturday 15 September 2007

Kathy's birthday recipe

Happy Birthday Kathy!

Kathy posted a recipe and challenged us to make her a card and post on our blogs. Here's mine (click on it for a better view - tall cards aren't great at Blogger's default size, are they?!).

The recipe was
Three flowers
Three papers
Three ribbons

Now, I'm not good at patterned papers so I've chopped them up! They're all digi papers from Shabby Princess (the Sun Porch collection) and I've used them to make the petals and the flower pot. Two sorts of green ribbon for leaves and some organza knotted around the pot fulfils the ribbon quota. I doodled the stems and added a bit of green chalk 'haze' round them.

Hope you enjoy your birthday, Kathy!


  1. Great card Joanne, love the flowers and your use of the ribbons.

  2. Wow! such funky flowers! I really love it, its so cheerful!

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog about the tag - I hadn't thought of that aspect - perhaps I shouldn't have passed it on - sorry

  4. ohhhh Joanne, this is just fab - I love it - thank you soooo much for joining in.

    Where on earth did you get the idea that you're "not good at patterned papers"? this is just perfect!

  5. Great card, love the bright patterned papers you've used on the card.

  6. Great card Joanne, really pretty.

  7. What a bright and happy card, love those flowers.

  8. Fabulous card and love the papers you used :)


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