Thursday 10 May 2007

With wings on

By 'eck, where does the time go? I'm sooo behind with blogs and challenges and stuff - I promise I'll try to get around some of them later. Here's my very last minute DCM challenge card for Jane's dare. Jane wanted to see wings so here are mine...

Most of my friends would probably think of me as a words person rather than a visual one so I decided to play with the idea of uplifting words/ideas as feathers for my wings.

I've dabbed Chestnut Brown Whispers ink onto DCWV textured card stock and then fed it through my Dymo and sanded the surface. Dark background square is from a pack of handmade papers bought ages ago in The Works. The swirls were a bit 'bright white' for what I wanted so I've used a bit of blue and grey chalk to tone them down. Swirls on the card itself are freestyled with chalks and a pompom applicator.

I've just realised I haven't blogged my dad's birthday card and notebook. He's seen them now so I'll try to do that tomorrow.


  1. I love this idea - it's so unique and right for you.

    The swirls are fab - I've got the heebiejeebies just thinking of going "freestyle" like that!

  2. Oh this is Unreal, I love this!
    amazing work with the chalks...

    oh and your felt flower below is GORGEOUS!

  3. This is beautiful. What a fantastic idea, might just have to borrow that one! : )

  4. I love the originality of this piece of work - fab!


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