Saturday 19 May 2007

Two in one

I've combined two challenges here: the DCM 'Start from Scratch' challenge set by Tracie and the first of the challenges over at the Crafts by Carolyn 2007 Big Challenge (a card with a buckle or shrink plastic - I've actually done both!).

Tracie said no premade embellies allowed but I think ribbon probably counts as a basic - hope so anyway!

I made the buckle by wiping Brilliance Pearlescent Orchid over a piece of Shrink Plastic and then overstamping with flowers with a Rouge Cat's Eye Chalk Ink pad. Corners are rouned off with a corner punch and I cut the slits with a knife and ruler. The greeting is stamped with Brilliance Graphite Black (and I used alphabet stamps to make up the greeting so I even started from scratch there!).

The background for the card is the same flower stamp I used on the buckle stamped in the Brilliance Orchid ink on a pale pink card blank (the top part masked off so that stayed plain) and the buckle is mounted on pistachio green DCWV cardstock with rouge chalk ink swiped round the edges.


  1. Ooh two dares in one - aren't you clever! This card is very effective.

  2. Lovely card Joanne
    I think one just HAS to count ribbon as a basic requirement - though of course you could have made paper ribbon....

  3. Love this. I often find simple is very stylish & gets the point across far better. I went through a phase of layering too much stuff on the card fronts & they looked fit to fall over!!

  4. Such a pretty card Joanne, shrink plastic is great fun and I love what you've done with the buckle, brilliant.

    Rhi x

  5. Lovely work Joanne, such a cute card, love your little buckle!
    and very clever incorporating the two dares together..

  6. What a pretty card and well done on combining the challenges. The shrink plastic looks great

  7. All your cards on your blog are really lovely. Thankyou also for stopping bymy blog :O)


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